
Whisky hunter + Rolex gatherer + Instagram Influencer + Grocery Brand builder + Superdad (no cape) + adoring husband + foodie + traveler + scholar of the good life + passionate. The rest is just noise.  Follow me on instragram https://www.instagram.com/rolexwhisky/

I am a collector at heart, I have always been since a kid. I started with unique to each series Rolex watches, since as a kid I always wanted one, and I said one day I will get myself one. Well that turned into 5 so far, and a there are a few more I want to get still, but there is no rush.

I have been a whisky drinker since I was 18 living in South Africa, and 3 years ago a friend of mine approached me to look for rare whiskies for his friend. That turned into what you see here, I now have contacts all over the world and actively search for rare ones for my private collection. Thanks to my RolexWhisky Instagram Page (www.instagram.com/rolexwhisky/) I get to travel, meet amazing people, and of course drink some great whisky 😉

The end goal is too liquidate it all in 15 years to put my kids through college, that’s what I say, but lets talk in 15 years, lol. In the meantime, I drink some of them, get to hang out and meet amazing people, and this hobby has turned into a passion project. I am not a brand ambassador, but I am close to a few brands that I have resonated with as far as their liquor and their brand ambassadors.

I really had no idea this hobby was going to grow like this, and I love being a part of the community, educating others, travelling, drinking amazing whisky, and the goal by the end of this year is create something fun and exciting. My full time jobs are realtor, VP of sales for 3 natural grocery brands, and business development for my father promotional printing company The Lindes.