Sam Filmus is the passionate and approachable president of ImpEx Beverages (an Importer of fine spirits from around the world) and JVS Imports (a California Distribution company). He has done what many of us aspire to in life, take a passion for something and turn it into a career.

While Sam does handle public relations, product selection, sales and marketing, logistics, and social media you will always find him hard at work, happy to do anything for the success of his staff, his customers, and the consumers who love his products… we have even caught him in the warehouse or behind the wheel of a forklift.

Sam received his Whisky Certification from the University of the Highlands and Islands Moray College early on in his career but to him, his true education came from the real world and the things he has learned along the way. He has bestowed the honor of being inducted as a Keeper of the Quaich in 2018, a lifetime achievement well respected by many in the industry. Even with this title, you will find Sam to be both humble and willing to share his knowledge with anyone who will listen.  

He feels that educating people about the unique story behind each brand and the passion of the people involved in creating these wonderful spirits is more important than anything and loves to share this with those he meets whether at a tasting or just walking down the aisle of a store. He is never too busy to answer a question or strike up a conversation with those he meets.